An artistically driven design turning narratives into that spark curiosity
A manifesto
of individuality
project: Exquisite Human at CORE Festival
client: Tomorrowland
location: Brussels, Belgium
Created as part of an ongoing exploration into human curiosity, this installation delves into communication and interaction through art, as well as the collective connection of audiences.
Exquisite Human is an experimental art piece encouraging interaction and collaboration between festival goers. Inspired by the surrealist game Exquisite C*rpse, avid music fans are encouraged to express their individuality through their fashion and dance, whilst a collective mash up of their movements is displayed on large LED screens.



Leonardo Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man symbolises ‘ideal’ human proportions, reflecting the Renaissance fascination with symmetry, balance, and the intersection of art and science. Exquisite Human challenges this idea of perfection, celebrating human diversity through a playful and often hilarious interactive artwork. While still embodying the interplay of art and science, the piece utilises modern technology and the vibrant atmosphere of a music festival to create an accessible and inclusive experience.



The identity of the installation reflects its overall concept. The dynamic logo represents the diversity of humans, flexing in shape and size. The graphic language used in the animations and CTA is informed by the Vitruvian Man, and encourages festival goers to become co-creators, leaving their mark on the installation and blurring the lines between artist and observer.

  • 2 days of music and art
  • 1000+ dancing participants
  • 1bn possible exquisite human combinations
  • Miles Wagner
  • Carola Migliore
  • Lewis Bailey
  • Benjamin Dresner-Reynolds
  • Naoko Hara